Lenape Glossary

Lenape words and phrases in this Glossary are listed with their meaning, pronunciation, and context. Some of these words were invented to meet the needs of this series. Please note that the pronunciations here were not created by a native Lenape speaker of the Munsee language. Rather, we conducted extensive research using pronunciation guides and audio recordings, after which we made the best educated interpretation.

Research references used included the Lenape Talking Dictionary (talk-lenape.org), Native Languages (native-languages.org), the Lenape Conversational Mini-Dictionary, The Lenape Word List, and other print and online resources. If you are a native speaker and have  corrections or suggestions, please contact us at thomas@thomasmorewriter.com or visit thomasmorewriter.com/contact.




Achgindamen (ah-gin-DA-men). One who has read and learned from many books.


Ahi Manunsko (AH-hee Mahn-ooks-su). The most senior Elder of the Lenape people. His name translates to “he is a very angry man.”


ahoaltuwi (ah-HO-ahl-tu-wee). Means “loving one”. Aunt Ahoaltuwi is the wife of Takachsin’s best friend, Lippoe Pahòke.


Alànëmëskat (ah-lah-nuh-MISS-kaht). The Star Walkers, the multiverse/wormhole traveling people. This word is a combination of alànkok, stars, and pèhpëmëskat, walkers. From the Lenape myth of the People Who Fell From the Sky.


Alànkok Luweyunk (ah-LAHN-goke Loo-WAY-oonk). The North Star.


Amimi (AH-mee-mee). Sakima’s older sister. Her nickname is Mimi. Means, “little dove.”


ànkùntëwakàn (hank-oo-tah-WAH-kahn). Blessings.


ansikëmès (ahn-SEE-kah-mess). The maple tree.


ansiptakàn (ahn-SEE-top-kahn).  The female version of the male leader’s headpiece (the psikali, q.v.) This headpiece for women also trailed down from the head to the back, but much farther down than the men’s version, almost to the ground. Also known as ansipëlaon.


Apatschin (ah-PAT-sheen). The name of Sakima’s childhood boyfriend; “Pat” for short. Means, “he who has gone.”


B – E


chesimus (chess-see-muhs). Means “little brother.” Chessi (chess-see) is the name Sakima has given her favorite knife.


chitanësit sëkahsën mpàki (cheet-tah-NAH-seet SHAH-kah-sahn moke-kay). Lenape name for their tanks. Literally, “strong vehicle made from iron.”


èchei (uh-chay-YEE). “Wow!” or “Gosh!” or “Cool!” Alternate spelling is “ekee ay,” which is a phonetic spelling as well (for that alternate).


elgixin (ale-gee-zin). Simply means “field.” The Elgixin Field is a large grass space that sits in the middle of the Lenape Technology & Research Center’s campus.



F – I


gachpees (gatch-pees). Twins.


Gegeyjumhet (gee-gay-JOOM-het). Means “leader” and the rule of law, similar to Sachem.


gischileu (gee-she-loo). Means “true”. Leke Gischileu is Sakima’s love interest in the series . His name means “Loyal and True”; in other words, one who is very faithful and real.


Hìtami (hee-TAH-mee). Sakima’s older brother, whose nickname was Tommy. Means, “the first” or “the one who came before.”


ila (eee-LAH). A single warrior.


ilaok (eee-LOWK). Warriors.



J – K


Kahèsëna Hàki (kah-hee-sen-ah HAW-kee). Mother Earth.


kàpi (kah-pee). Coffee.


kèkayëmhès (kay-kie-OOM-hess). The government and the rule of law.


Kèkayëmhès Wikwahëmink (kay-KIE-oom-hess week-hoomg). The government building.


kèkok (KAY-koke). Wampum beads, which are made from the shells of whelk and clams.


kèkwi këlamapisun (kay-kwee lala-mahpee-soon). A beautiful belt meant for formal occasions, it had tiny black, purple, and white beads made from seashell bits integrated in patterns across the entire belt.


këlulël (kah-LOOL-lush). An all-purpose curse word meaning something similar to “damn.”


kèpchat (kef-chaht). A fool.


kèpcheonkèlët (kep-chay-OON-gah-let). Insanity; an insane person. Often used with “rage” to indicate steroid-like chemical induced anger and out-of-control violent behavior. See also wchètahsën.


Kìkay Achimulsikaon (kik-aye ah-chee-mule-see-COW). The Elder Council Longhouse.


Kishelë (key-shell-luh). God. One of many names for the Creator, which also include Ketanëtuwit and Kishelëmùkònk.


kishuxa (key-shoo-hawk). The moon.


kitahikàn shohpe (tee-tah-EEK-cahn show-PAY). The seaside or seashore.


kohètëta (koe-hay-TOO-tah). Aunt.


kpakuwe (kuh-coo-wuh). Chatter, also a chatterbox.


kukhus (kook-hoos). The owl.


kwèn’shùkwënay (wen-SHOOK-wen-nie-ah). This is the name for mountain lion, bobcat, or cougar.


kwëshkwëtët (Koo-SHOOK-tayt). Pig. Pigs is “kwëshkwëtëtàk.”




Lapowinsa (lah-pow-IN-sah). A great leader from Lenape history.


Lèke (lay-kay). The loyal one. Leke is an up and coming warrior and Sakima’s love interest. Full name is Leke Gischileu (GEE-shah-loo) which means, “he who has proven himself to be true.”


Lenape (len-AH-pay). One of many Algonquian tribes along the northeastern seaboard of North American. The Lenape were the original people of the island of Manhattan.


lënu (LEN-oo). A man.


lënuwàk (LEN-oo-wahk). Men.


Lëpweichik Èlikhatink Lënape (lep-wah-EE-cheek  el-ee-KAH-tink  Len-ah-pay). The Lenape Technology & Research Center. Literally, the wise ones + the village + Lenape = Village of the Wise Ones.


lëpweokàn kèku (lea-way-OH-kahn kay-too). Artificial Intelligence (AI). Literally translates to “the intelligent thing.”



Machto Pequonitto (MAHCH-toe  pay-quo-NEE-toe). Sakima’s brother-in-law. Means “evil spirit.”


maluwe (mah-LOW-way). Means something similar to, “Dammit!” or “Curse it!”


manëtu (mahn-AY-too). Demon monsters.


Mannahatta (man-nah-HAHT-tuh). The island of Mannahatta in an alternative universe where Sakima and her family live. It means, “beautiful land of many hills.”


Matanto (mah-TAHN-toe). The Munsee name for the Lenape Devil.


mechakgilik (mek-ah-GEE-leek). The mechanical/ robotic super suit designed by Sakima. The word means “great big suit.” Often referred to as a “mechSuit.”


mechkwèn’shùkwënay (mekweh SHOOK-wen-nie-ah). A part-machine, part-living creature lab-created lion. Also known as a mechMountain lion or mechCougar (used for both).


mechòkwës (mek-OH-kwes). A part-machine, part-living creature lab-created fox. Also known as a mechFox.


mechmàxko  (mek-MAHX-kwoh). A part-machine, part-living creature lab-created bear. Also known as a mechBear.


mechsisilieyòk (mek-see-see-lee-AY-ohk). A part-machine, part-living creature lab-created bison. Also known as a mechBison.


Mënatink Ohëlëmi (mah-NAH-ting OH-lay-may). Manhattan. Literally, “the far away island” and means the Land Below.


Mhuwe (muh-HOO-way). A man-eating giant of Lenape folklore, similar to the Windigo of the Ojibway and Cree. A creature with horns and patchy fur that can grow twice as tall as a human.


meechgalanne  (mee-gah-LAH-nay). Means “hawk”. The warrior and tactical technician, Mitch Galanney, is a homonym of this word.


Mimëntëta (mee-mee-ahn-TAY-tah). Sakima’s niece and her sister Mimi’s daughter. Literally means, “baby,” but in this context, “Little Mimi.”


Moskim (moh-skeem). The Rabbit Hero of myth. Also known as Tschimammus (chuh-mah-muss).


mpoalonium (bow-LONE-ee-um). A powerful element from another world given from the Alànawènik. Literally translates as, “Power from the Gods.” The element is written as Mp on the Periodic Table of Elements; atomic number 111, atomic weight of 333.


mwekane (mm-WAY-cah-nay). Lenape word for dog. The diminutive form, mwekanètët, means “puppy.”




Na në lekèch (nah nah LAY-kich). Let it be so.


Nagatamen Mùxul Allanque (nah-gah-TAH-men mah-HOO-lay ahl-LEN-kay). The alien spacecraft driven by the Alànëmëskat, the Star Walkers. Typically referred to simply as NaMùxAll. It means, “the Trusted Starship.”


nahënëm (nah-hoom). The raccoon.


nemmen (nem-men). The thing to see. Also, to see. Also, he/she who sees.


Nimàt (NEE-mat). Sakima’s slightly younger brother. The word literally translates to brother.


nitis  (nee-tees). Means companion or friend. Nitis Tschutti is one of the Elders on the Lenape Council.


nshawësi xkwe (jah-WOO-see whay). A derisive term for women in general as the weaker sex, the “weak woman.”


Ntite Pìkchëlhe (nee-tay pik-shell-AY-ah). The Think & Draw 2000 (the number 2,000 is tèlën txën nisha). A talking, meeting-facilitating electronic whiteboard.


Nuhëma (new-HEY-mah). The Grandmother of the South. Her full name is Nuhëma Shaoneyunk.


nulakìl (new-LAH-keel). To jump. Literally, “I jump well.”


nuwingi (noo-WING-ee). Means “the willing one”. Second Lieutenant Nuwingi is a leader in the Lenape military.


O – R


òhchu (oh-choo). Òhchu Peak, the tallest mountain top on Mannahatta. Means hill or mountain.


òpalanie (oh-pah-LAH-nee-ay). The bald eagle.


òpinkwinakwsu (oh-pink-wee-nok-soo). The opossum.


Pahòke (pah-HO-kay). Means friend or friendly. It is also the last name of Takachsin’s best friend, Dr. Lippoe (meaning “wise one”) Pahòke, PhD.


pahsahëman (pah-sah-HAH-mahn). Lenape football, played on a field about the size of a current-day soccer field and sometimes on a field miles long. Lenape football both a game and a system to train warriors for battle.


pahsahikàn (pah-sah-HEE-cahn). The ball used in Lenape football.


Pëleyok (puh-LAY-ahk). The Turkey Clan.


pèmitàn mpàki  (pay-MEE-tahn moke-kay).  Lenape word for their hovercar. Literally means “floating vehicle.”


pèmitàn sëkahsën mpàki (pay-MEE-tahn sah-kah-son moke-kay). Lenape for their hovertanks. Literally means “floating iron vehicle.”


pënaelìntàmahikàn (pah-nie-lintah-mah-HEE-kahn) A computer. Literally, “a thinking machine.”


phwit (phweet). Nonsense; B.S.


psikalu (see-CAHL-oo). Traditional headset, also known as a “roach” which consisted of a few feathers flowing from the top of the head to mid shoulder.


Puhùntèk Mahtakeyëwakàn (poo-HOON-deck  mah-tah-Kay-yoo-WAH-ken). The Lenape War Room.


Pukuànkuwàk (pook-a-wahn-KOO-ick). The Turtle Clan.


pupukwësh (puh-PUH-kwish). Quail.




Sakima (suh-KEE-muh). The heroine of these tales, the first Lenape female warrior and a woman of legend. The daughter of Takachsin and a member of a family of great honor.


salàpòn (suh-LAH-pahn). Frybread. A traditional bread made with flour and salt, and fried in butter or fat.


sànkweyòk (san-GWAY-oh). The weasel.


shaèk (SHY-ak). Measurement similar to yard or a meter; roughly three feet in length.


Shatemuc (sha-TEE-muk). The Lenape word for the Hudson River. It means “the river that flows both ways” which might refer to the fact that the Hudson contains both salt water and fresh. Also referred to as Mahicannituck.


shèshkulhlëwès (sheesh-kool-HAHL-la-wase). Means school teacher. Dr. Lëwis Shèshkulh is a data scientist at the Lenape Technology & Research Center.


Shëwanahkòk (shah-wah-NAH-coke). White people, or people of European descent. Often used derisively.


shiki skixkwe (SHEE-key SKEE-sksay). A beautiful young woman.


sisilieyòk (see-see-lee-A-ohk). Bison.


skattek (SKAY-tayk). Means “a zealous (devoted, diligent) one”. Colonel Skattek is a high-ranking officer in the Lenape military structure.


Skontay Chìpilësu (SKOON-day  Chippee-LAY-su). Name of the portal to the multiverse. Means the “dangerous doorway,” the “exciting passageway.” In common usage it means simply, “portal.” 




Takachsin (tuh-KUH-shin). Sakima’s father. Means leader. His nickname is “TeeTee” (for T.T.) and his wife calls him “Taka.”


Tamanend (tuh-MUH-nend). Sakima’s family name. A well-established name in her tribe, the name was (until Sakima) most associated with the well-liked leader (c. 1625 – 1701) of one of the clans that made up the Lenni-Lenape nation in the Delaware Valley.


Tangetta (tan-JET-ah). Sakima’s younger sister, whom she affectionately calls “Tangerine.”


tànkamikàn (tah-mah-MEEK-ahn). A spear.


taonkëlàxàm (tone-GLAHK-um). Bastard. Literally translates to “stray dog.”


Tèkëne (TAY-kun-nee). The forest. This is the forest near where Sakima lives.


tëmakwe (tah-mah-KWA). The beaver.


tëme (TEM-may). The coyote. Also written as tëmetët.


tèpahtu (tay-pah-TOO). Stupid.


tèpahtu lënu (tay-pah-TOO len-oo). Stupid man.


tëpinxkèpi (tah—pinks-SKEP-ia). Sakima’s cuff.


tschikenum (CHEE-can-um). The turkey. The Turkey Clan is one of the influential clans of the Lenape, it symbolizes good luck and fertility. Sometimes spelled chikënëm, pronounced the same.


tschutti (chay-SHOO-tee). Means “comrade” or “compatriot”. Nitis Tschutti is one of the Elders on the Lenape Council.


tùkwsi kishux (toke-say kee—SHOO[wah]). Full moon.


Tùkwsitàk (too-SEE-tuck). The Wolf Clan. One of the influential clans of the Lenape, it symbolize courage, strength, and loyalty.


tulpe (TOOL-pay). The turtle. The Turtle Clan One of the influential clans of the Lenape. It symbolizes wisdom and loyalty, as well as stubbornness.

U – Z


(There appears to be no Lenape words beginning with the letters U or V.)



wanìshi (was-NEE-shee). Thank you; thanks.

wchètahsën (wahk-sah-tch-CHAY-shen). Literally,  “stone muscle.” A dangerous and addictive steroid-like substance. See also kèpcheonkèlët.

wëlìsëwakàn (well-ees-ah-WAH-kahn). A beautiful woman.

Wematëgunis (wem-ay-tay-GOO-nees). The little people of the forest. They are elf-like mythological people who help any Lenape who might find themselves lost or in trouble in the forest.

wëshkiyëm (wesh-KEE-um). Refers specifically to whiskey but can mean any strong alcoholic liquid.

Wickquasgeck (WIK-quash-jeck). The long, wide trail built by the Lenape and which in the Land Below is called Broadway.

wikëwam (WEE-ka-wahm). A house.

Wîkëwam Shawken Obroa (WEE-ka-wahm Shaw-ken Oh-bro-wah ). The Lenape Science, Research & Technology building. It is made up of the Lenape word for house plus two references to classic science fiction.

Winkalit (wing-GAH-leed). Last name of a scientist with long gray hair. Means “best friend.”

wichëmil (wee-CHAH-meel). Means “Help!” or “Help me!”

witatschimolsin (wee-hat-scheem-OHL-seen). Means “wise advisor.” Rita Shim Olsen is a near synonym of witatschimolsin.

Wulissa (woo-LEE-sah). The feminine of wulisso. Means “the best girl” or “pretty girl”. Sakima named her puppy Wu’ Lisa; Lisa for short. 

wulit (woo-leet). Suffix or prefix that means “the best.”

Wùnita (woo-NEE-tuh). Sakima’s mother. It means, “she who knows,” or “she who is able.”




(There appears to be no Lenape words that begin with the letter Z.)


Xahèli Pili Hàkink (ha-HAY-lee PEE-lee HAW-king). The Many Worlds. Literally, the Many New Worlds.


xàskwim (HUH-skeem). Corn.


Xinkwi lè Mushhakunk (kzhing-wee lay moojsh-HAH-koon). Big Event in the Sky. Refers to the White (or European) Year 1609 A.D., which was known to the Lenape as the Lenape Year of 10,609.


xinkwi tàmahikàn (kZhing-wee dah-mah-HEE-kuhn). Big machines. Refers to the high-tech machines brought to Mannahatta by the Star People.


xinkwtëme  (zing-TWAH-meh). The wolf.


xkwe ([h]’a-kway). A woman.


xkweyòk (seekway-ohk). Women.


Xkwithakamika Shawi (xwee-hah-kay-MAY-kah Shah-WEE). A location in Mannahatta that translates to “the Edge of the World.”


xwisëmësa (wee-sah-MEE-sah). (My) little sister.


yakaon hakink  (yay-KAH-own HAW-kink). Underground shelter.


Yakwahe (yuh-KWAH-hay). The giant hairless bear monster of Lenape legend that attacks New York City.s


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