Research & Reference

I did considerable research for the Mannahatta Series before I began writing and referred back to my sources over and over again as I wrote.

There are an incredible number of fantastic resources out there and so much to learn. As with any type of learning, you are never really finished! But these books and numerous websites, taught me a lot about Native American culture and history and about the early years of New York City before and shortly after the arrival of the first European settlers.

I hope I haven’t made too many mistakes in my series and I sincerely hope I’ve honored the Lenape people and have created an honest set of novels of adventures with characters who can be respected by all, regardless of race or background.


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If you have already downloaded the short stories —thank you! I hope you love reading more about Sakima, but if you haven't yet... can still get instant access to SAKIMA: CITY OF MY YOUTH, short stories based on the characters in the novels. By reading this collection, you'll better understand how the young Sakima became the powerful warrior she is today, adding to your enjoyment of the Mannahatta Series!

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